I met Abra last year at iFLT in Chattanooga. It was her first iFLT and it was an experience that empowered her to ditch the textbook and teach mostly with stories, PQA and FVR. I met Abra again at the
Multiply Your AP Enrollment by a Factor of 9!
I was immensely proud to stand on stage in Boston at #ACTFL17 with four other outstanding language educators. Darcy Pippins was one of them. One reason Darcy was representing the Southwest COLT is because she has lead an incredible transformation
Great Societies Tell Stories
The world is full of ambiguities. Often those issues perceived as black and white turn out to be grey. And yet, there are some constants: There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no
I Gotta Have More Psycho-Social, Baby

Guess what! I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more Psycho-Social. “In the everyday world, the psycho-social use of language abounds. It is so woven into how we interact, we don’t even think about it.” -Bill VanPatten, Communication
Dr. Krashen Invites You to Inaugural Comprehensible Midwest Conference in Milwaukee on Sep. 24, 2016
Let Language Serve Humanity

In TPRS we are taught to target 3 to 5 language chunks during a particular period of time. I’ve always done it this way. But I’ve always noted that sticking to just three has kept me from really paying attention
What My Students are Saying
I’ve had a pre-service teacher in my room for the last week. She’s been observing. Today, as my first class was filing in, she and I were talking. She was saying that it’s clear to her that my students are
Dalai Lama on Creating a Community of Trust and Happiness

My good friend Ben is teaching in India this year. His school was lucky to host the Dalai Lama the other day. In his reflection on the visit, he writes: I especially remember some words from His Holiness’ speech: compassion,
Irrelevance of Corrective Feedback

Kathie Calkins Keyes from Principia HS in St. Louis posted this recently on the moreTPRS listserv and I thought it to be worthy of wider sharing. She later noted the caveat that this particular article is in reference to first
NEW: Rejoinder Posters in Chinese, French and German

These staple expressions will help your novice learners engage with you in authentic communication so they can help you maintain FLOW in the target language. Students will be empowered to express emotion and opinion and show their true personality with meaningful rejoinders. Now