I’ve had a pre-service teacher in my room for the last week. She’s been observing. Today, as my first class was filing in, she and I were talking. She was saying that it’s clear to her that my students are
Personal Interviews with Novice Learners: A Spring Update
Our brains were built to make sense of other brains and to understand everyone’s place in the pecking order. –Matthew Lieberman, Social Personal interviews have become a major component of how we build a positive learning community and develop meaningful proficiency in
CI / TPRS Summer Teacher Training in VT
My friends at Express Fluency are offering some exciting teacher training programs in Vermont this summer. Check them out: Are you a language teacher interested in helping your students gain proficiency quickly and easily? Express Fluency’s teacher training programs help
Dalai Lama on Creating a Community of Trust and Happiness
My good friend Ben is teaching in India this year. His school was lucky to host the Dalai Lama the other day. In his reflection on the visit, he writes: I especially remember some words from His Holiness’ speech: compassion,
Marilee’s Rejoinders
Marilee Mckenna-Marsal posted this picture in the Elementary TPRS Facebook page of her new rejoinders. She’s been introducing them a few at a time to her elementary classes. She had this to say about how, in a short time, it’s
A #NationOfAdvocates
Tonight on the Twittersphere, my friend Carrie shared this tweet. In response I tweeted the following and I’m just going to go ahead and claim this as my own unique quote, as I’ve never heard anyone say it. If I’m
Irrelevance of Corrective Feedback
Kathie Calkins Keyes from Principia HS in St. Louis posted this recently on the moreTPRS listserv and I thought it to be worthy of wider sharing. She later noted the caveat that this particular article is in reference to first