In Spanish class, I’ve learned (still learning really) that if I want my students to learn more, I have to slow down. If I want language to really live in their bodies, hearts and minds, I can’t rush them through long
It May Be Counterintuitive

In Spanish class, I’ve learned (still learning really) that if I want my students to learn more, I have to slow down. If I want language to really live in their bodies, hearts and minds, I can’t rush them through long
Today’s Zero Prep Game Plan: 9 Minute Free Write followed by Trashket Ball. See here and here for how to play. It’s fun. Lots of great, spontaneous language. I’ve written the five categories of questions I’ll be asking using language
Last weekend on American Idol, contestants prepared and sang duets with former Idol winners. In the taped segment that gave a glimpse of the pre-performance preparation, La’Porsha said this of her singing: I used to sing like I knew what I
My friend Jim Woolridge, AKA Señor Wooly, has come out with a new video story about a crazy surgeon who tries to resuscitate a man who has just died through, let’s just say, unconventional means. Despite cameo appearances by my
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is a common expression, traced back to the 1700s and probably earlier, that is used to share the idea that you will reach your goals by being nice to people
Today on the iFLT/NTPRS/CI Teaching Professional Learning Network, Kim Pate from Alabama shared one of her successes. Kim teaches in the Tuscaloosa City School District. She teaches Spanish 1 primarily to 9th graders in the Freshmen Academy at Northridge High
My students got a special treat on Friday. My mom, who is visiting from Southern Illinois this week, came to spend the day in my classroom. A Luther College graduate, she taught secondary Spanish for 31 years. She’s recently retired. The